The supporters of gunman Kyi Lin who assassinated prominent Muslim lawyer U Ko Ni last year with the help of army generals appeared wearing T-shirt reading Hey You! Say your Prayers! Hey! Eat well! in Burmese at the court while hearing the case. The phrase in Burmese Hey Eat well ! is used as a threat to show one’s anger and to warn of impending revenge. It is very similar to “Watch your back!” “Say your Prayers! ” “Your number Up!” in English.
Burmese Lawyers Association released a statement condemning the behavior of the extremists who used “Say your Prayers” as an insult to the whole judicial system and a threat not only to the reporters who followed the case, but to the lawyers and the judge. The lawyers urged the government to take action but government supports the ultranationalists ignoring their activities.
Majority knows that the ultranationalist monks Sitagu and Wirathu represent States policy, not Gautamas doctrines. Notorious monk, Sitagu, in his preach said “Killing unnecessary people like U Ko Ni is not a sin. The criminal Wirathu warned international community in his lecture “I will say “Say your Prayers” to those who insulted supporters of murderers of U Ko Ni, and those who blame monks. Raise your voice and let the World know “Pray to your God for forgiveness before we kill you “Hey !Eat well!” in Burmese. Wirathu threatened Yanghee Lee, the UN special rapporteur for human rights in Myanmar several times.
Aung San Suu Kyi also uses the term “Say Your Prayers” in her action ignoring UN fact-finding mission to discover genocidal atrocities against Rohingya. The Associated Press and Reuters news agencies have revealed evidences of mass graves but Suu Kyi denied all atrocities against Rohingya by the Myanmar military.
To conceal the atrocities committed by Burmese security forces, Myanmar government has used the bulldozers to destroy evidences of killing and villages since 2012. There is no different between Nazi policy against Jews and Myanmar policy against Rohingya, rather Burmese policy is worse than Nazi’s.
All non-Aryans were dismissed from holding government jobs. This regulation applied to public school teachers, university professors, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. all Jews who held government positions of any kind. Rohingya were dismissed from holding government jobs since 1965.
The Reichstag adopted the Nuremberg Laws, which declared that Jews could no longer be citizens of Germany. Myanmar regime drew discriminatory citizenship law of 1982 to degrade Rohingya from citizens to stateless.
All Jews had to add the names Israel and Sarah to their identification papers, and passports were marked with the red letter J, for Jude (Jew). All Rohingya have been being forced to accept illegal Bengali as their identity. Rohingya are not allowed to move one village to another since 1990.
The persecution of the Jews began systematically almost as soon as Hitler came to power. The persecution of Rohingya began systematically after the coup of notorious general U Ne Win in 1960.
There were random attacks on Jews and Jewish property. Police and the courts no longer protect Jews. Rohingya and their properties have been being random attacked by Buddhist extremists since 1965. Burmese court never protects Rohingya.
Jewish students excluded from exams in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and law. Rohingya students are not allowed to attend any school especially universities since 1990.
Nuremberg Laws deny Jews many basic civil rights. Myanmar State policy denies fundamental rights of Rohingya.
Jews were no longer allowed to vote and lost German citizenship. Rohingya who could vote and be elected for the parliament constituency until 2010, are no longer allowed to vote since 2015 and lost citizenship.
Passports for Jews to travel abroad restricted. Travelling is crime for Rohingya according to Burmese policy.
Special identity cards were issued to Jews by Nazis. Military junta confiscated National Registration Cards of Rohingya and issued White Cards for them to make them illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Now, Suu Kyi government is issuing National Verification Cards to make them stateless refugees.
Myanmar does not care UN resolution and International Laws. Whenever International Community urges Myanmar to stop atrocities against Rohingya, Burmese officers or government spokesman objected to use of the term “Rohingya. Myanmar wants to eliminate Rohingya and warns International Community Say Your Prayers!